The Margetich Group | News & events
NFDA National Annual Conference | November 12th - 14th, 2019 | Washington, DC
The NFDA confernece will cover topics such as: Outlook for Future in Federal & GSA Leasing, Regulations and Court Decisions affecting leasing, Investor/Owner/ Developer Panel, Financial Markets, GAO Real Property Perspectives and Recent Investment Sales...
Greg Margetich appointed Vice Chairman of NFDA (National Federal Development Association)
The NFDA is a national association of private property owners and service providers who lease or provide services to government tenants. The Association represents building and property owners and service providers (developers, builders, architects, engineers general contractors, specialty subcontractors, leasing and property sales brokers, along with lenders and investors) who lease or provide services to government (federal state, local, quasi and similar nonprofit entity) tenants, who occupy privately-owned property.
GSA kicks off search for the next generation of real estate brokers
Commercial real estate experts will have the ability to alert the federal government to changes in the market, such as when is the best time to renegotiate a lease, as the General Services Administration gears up to launch a replacement to what's now known as the National Broker Contract...
At GSA, costly holdover leases down, but that's just the least of it.
The General Services Administration significantly cut down on the number of costly real estate leases in holdover status over the past year, but in such a way that may actually create more work for the agency over the next five years....
A closer look at GSA's new approach to using outside brokers
The General Services Administration is scrapping its practice of awarding national contracts to brokerage firms to get better leasing deals for the federal government, known in the federal leasing business as the National Broker Contract...
GSA aims to measure cost savings with next-generation broker contract
The General Services Administration hopes to incentivize outside real estate brokers to negotiate the best deals for the federal government on leased office space — and to track whether they've succeeded — as it prepares to launch the next generation of what was formerly known as the National Broker Contract...
Using private brokers hasn't worked as planned. Can the GSA get it right this time?
The NBC has been the subject of numerous audits by the Government Accountability Office and the GSA's own inspector general, and uniformly those reports have concluded the GSA cannot show that NBC brokers are getting a better deal for the federal government than the GSA's own contracting officers.